Room Parents

8/19/2024 1:00 am


Room Parents Needed

'Job' Time Commitment:

Approx. 1 - 2 Hours / Month

Each classroom teacher has 1 - 2 room parents who send periodic messages from the Room Parent Coordinator to the parent / guardian class list, assist the teacher with projects as needed, and plan occasional class playdates and meetups.


If you are interested please email Josh Sabloff, the Room Parent Coordinator, or use the Volunteer Interest Form.

Sign Up Here

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Auditors Needed

8/12/2024 1:00 am

Help Audit the HSA Books


Important Yearly Task

Time Commitment: approx. 10 hours


Are you good with numbers and spreadsheets? Or are you (or do you know) a CPA? Per the HSA Bylaws section 20.1, the HSA must be audited once a year by a CPA (which can be very expensive) or an auditing committee of 3 or more non-board members.


If you are interested in helping, please email HSA Treasurer Cory Walker or fill out the Volunteer Interest Form.

Sign Up Here

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Social Media Moderator

8/9/2024 1:00 am

Help with Social Media

Medium-Commitment, Big Audience!

1 - 2 hours per week

Did you know the HSA has a private, parents and guardians-only PAS Facebook group where we can all post and share resources? The HSA could use some help managing the group and posting content. Content from the e-Pony can be copied, and related posts can be scheduled to pop up throughout the week--an easy, weekly task.

Sign Up Here

Find more ways to connect to PAS through social media on the teal bar below.



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Event Volunteers

8/1/2024 4:00 pm


Interested in Helping with an Upcoming Event?

Short-Term, Super Helpful!

1 - 4 Hour Shifts Usually Available

Have a few hours to spare to help make the next event a smooth success? We'd love your help!

See Options Here

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Working Groups

9/5/2023 6:02 am

Join a Working Group

Short-Term, Huge Impact! 

Time Commitment: approx. 2 - 10 hours per project

The HSA needs help with many projects that benefit our students!

Working Groups (Committees) Include:

  • 5K
  • Beautification (NEW!)
  • Book Fair
  • Events
  • Finance
  • Fundraising
  • Nominating
  • Teacher Appreciation

More details can be found here.

If you are interested, please email HSA Vice President Cynthia Sung or fill out the Volunteer Interest Form:

Sign Up Here


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Box Tops

7/25/2023 4:01 pm

Box Tops for Education

Easy, Quick Money for PAS

Only Takes a Minute!


You can make a difference to our school. Download the Box Tops app, search for Penn Alexander, and start earning.


Use the Box Tops app to scan your store receipts for participating products. PAS will automatically earn cash with every Box Tops product you buy. No clipping needed! Learn more HERE.



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