Friendship Day

2/14/2025 8:30 am

Happy Friendship and Valentine's Day!


The HSA loves our PAS community!



On this day of love and friendship, the HSA wants you to know how much we love each and every one of you: parents, caretakers, teachers, staff, and everyone in the PAS community.



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Black History Month

2/1/2025 8:30 am

Black History Month


February 2025

Share Your Story!


All year long, we aim to support student learning by centering marginalized voices in the school community and uplifting opportunities for students to see themselves and others in their classrooms.

We are excited to celebrate and honor the history, culture, and influence of current and past generations.

Share your story HERE.


Click More for additional resources for parents and caregivers.


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Sponsorship Help

1/29/2025 8:30 am

Help Gain Sponsorships for PAS

Connect us to potential generous businesses or

help solicit future sponsors or prizes


We have two big events coming up that need sponsorships from businesses: the 5K and the spring musical.


The 5K has sponsorships ranging from $250 - $3,500. Sponsors get their logo on the race t-shirt and potentially other perks such as providing their swag for the race bags and having a table presence at the race to promote their business. We also need prizes donated for the race -- gift certificates, free passes, tickets, products, etc.


The musical has program sponsorships ranging from $100 - $1500. Sponsors (and parents) can create an ad for the program. The bigger the sponsorship, the bigger and more prominent the ad.


We also need help contacting businesses and asking if they are interested in becoming a sponsor. If you can recommend or solicit any businesses, please let us know by submitting the sponsorship form!

Sponsorship Form


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5K Help Needed

1/28/2025 3:30 pm

Help with the 5K

Our Biggest Fundraising Event of the Year!

First Planning Meeting: January 28 at 3:30 PM


Do you have a few hours to spare to help with the 13th annual PAS 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run? The race will be held on Sunday, June 8 at 8:30 AM. The first planning meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 28 at 3:30 PM in the Atrium. All are welcome! We need help with:

  • Running clubs: The more parents who can help mean the more children who can participate in these popular clubs. Clearances needed.
  • Soliciting sponsorships and prizesWe need help soliciting local businesses for sponsorships and need many prizes such as gift certificates, baskets, and free passes/tickets for the various age categories. Can you send out a few emails to local businesses and/or recommend businesses HERE?
  • Procuring food, supplies, beverages, etc: There are a lot of details to manage and supplies needed!
  • Marketing the race: Help create flyers, post on social media, and contact running clubs and stores to have our race listed, etc.

If you are interested in helping out but can't make the meeting, please contact Ann Kreidle, or fill out the Volunteer Interest Form:

Sign Up Form

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Nominating Committee

1/23/2025 8:30 am

Join the Nominating Committee


Reach Out to your Networks for Potential Board Members for 2025-2027

Time Commitment: approx. 8 hours over 4 months


The HSA is seeking people to serve on the nominating committee to help tap their networks for a diverse group of future board members and guide the elections process. The main duties of the nominating committee are:

  • meet once or twice to learn the process and brainstorm names
  • confirm and advertise the open positions
  • reach out one-on-one to potential recruits

For full details on committee responsibilities, refer to Article 7 of the HSA Bylaws. If you wish to join the committee or have any questions, please log in and contact VP Cynthia Sung. 

Volunteer Interest Form

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Kindergarten Registration

1/21/2025 8:30 am

2025-26 Kindergarten Registration

January 21 - February 7



Do you or someone you know have a rising kindergartener? If so, please check out all of the information located on the PAS website HERE



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School Gear

10/24/2024 2:00 pm

School Gear for Sale!

Does Your Child Need Cold-Weather Gear?

The HSA is selling sweatpants (NEW!), short sleeve T-shirts, long sleeve shirts, hoodie sweatshirts, hats, and school-year calendars.

Purchase Here




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Working Groups

8/20/2024 1:00 am

Join a Working Group

Short-Term, Huge Impact! 

Time Commitment: approx. 2 - 10 hours per project

The HSA needs help with many projects that benefit our students! Working Groups (Committees) Include:

  • 5K
  • Beautification (NEW!)
  • Book Fair
  • Events
  • Finance
  • Fundraising
  • Nominating
  • Teacher Appreciation

If you are interested, please log in and contact HSA Vice President Cynthia Sung or fill out the Volunteer Interest Form:

Sign Up Here

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Event Volunteers

8/1/2024 4:00 pm


Interested in Helping with an Upcoming Event?

Short-Term, Super Helpful!

1 - 4 Hour Shifts Usually Available

Have a few hours to spare to help make the next event a smooth success? We'd love your help!

See Options Here

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Safety Concerns

7/1/2023 1:00 am

Be a Safer Neighbor

Everyone's Actions Matter; NO Double Parking!


In an effort to reduce accidents, to ensure emergency vehicle access, and to allow teachers and children safe entry and egress, please take a minute to click MORE to see how your actions can make a difference in keeping everyone safe.


Please make sure to NEVER double park or block bike lanes. Use Locust or Spruce Streets for short term parking.


Also, as a reminder, dogs are not allowed at PAS.

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