Pancake Breakfast


Enjoy Pancake Breakfast!
Saturday, January 25
Seatings at 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, and 10:00 AM

Location: PAS Lunchroom (enter from Blacktop)


Join us for a homemade, all-you-can-eat family breakfast. Chat and chew with your family, friends, and neighbors. Come and marvel at the talented teachers in tall hats, scampering student servers, and our executive chef, Ms. Overton!


Volunteer shifts are available before, during, and after the event. All volunteers receive 2 free tickets! You can also help by donating much-needed supplies by Wednesday, January 22. Many thanks to Green Line Coffee for donating coffee for this event! Proceeds help fund the 8th Grade class trip.


Early bird ticket pricing, through Thursday, January 23:

$10 for adults and high school students; $5 for children age 3 through middle school.

Day of event walk ins are welcome if space is available for a flat fee of $12 per person.




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Nominating Committee

Join the Nominating Committee


Reach Out to your Networks for Potential Board Members for 2025-2027

Time Commitment: approx. 8 hours over 4 months


The HSA is seeking people to serve on the nominating committee to help tap their networks for a diverse group of future board members and guide the elections process. The main duties of the nominating committee are:

  • meet once or twice to learn the process and brainstorm names
  • confirm and advertise the open positions
  • reach out one-on-one to potential recruits

For full details on committee responsibilities, refer to Article 7 of the HSA Bylaws. If you wish to join the committee or have any questions, please log in and contact VP Cynthia Sung. 

Volunteer Interest Form

More Volunteer Opportunities

Important: To-Do Checklist

Social Media

Join our private community of parents and caregivers on HSA Facebook:

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