Obtaining Clearances for Volunteering
Most volunteer positions are required to complete this School District of Philadelphia Volunteer Checklist before helping at school. You must:
1. Read, Print, and Sign the School District of Philadelphia Volunteer Code of Conduct
2. Complete the Child Abuse History Clearance
3. Complete the PA State Criminal Background Check
4a. If you have NOT lived in Pennsylvania for the past 10 years, you must Obtain an FBI Background Check ($23.25). Use code 1KG6ZJ
4b. If you HAVE lived in Pennsylvania for the past 10 years, Print and Sign the Volunteer Affirmation.
5. Submit the Certificate of Volunteer Orientation Completion
This process can take time, particularly if you have not lived in Pennsylvania for 10 years, so please act now! Volunteers are needed as soon as the school year starts, including for field trips.
Once all paperwork is completed, submit this form:
If you are unable to do so, submit your completed packet to the main office or email it to PAS Penn Coordinator Ann Kreidle.
Questions? Need Assistance?
www.philasd.org/face/volunteer | volunteer@philasd.org | 215-400-4180, Option #6
Clearances are valid for five years.