Dear PAS Families:
Penn Alexander is excited to recognize Ramadan. If you or someone you know would like to share an explanation of Ramadan and its significance to those who observe Ramadan with our community, we are grateful for the experience to learn with you. Click here to sign up and we will be in touch to coordinate with you.
New Driver and Biker Drop-Off & Pick Up Plan
In our continued effort to improve the drop off and pick up experience for our drivers and the safety of our students, we are launching a new plan for drivers and bikers. Spruce and Locust Streets are 20 minute stopping zones and provide an entire block of space for drivers that would like to walk with their child. Please click HERE to learn more. We will be handing out fliers and sending them home in the pony.
We have a few club reminders this week:
- No Feel Good Club on Monday.
- No Coding Club on Wednesday.
- Radical Readers Club will end TOMORROW Monday, March 4.
Please join me and the Equity Circle on Thursday for a community potluck and workshop with the amazing Caroline Hill. No need to bring a dish if you can't fit that into your schedule.
Calling All Students Who Like To Sing!
The Philadelphia Boys Choir and the Philadelphia Girls Choir are looking for young singers, grades 1 through 5, to potentially join their training programs and ensembles next year. Any student who enjoys singing is encouraged to sign up for an audition, which will be held at Penn Alexander during the school day on Friday, March 8. For information and to sign up, visit and