Originally delivered on 2/4/2024 7:00 pm

SUBJECT: PAS ePony for the Week of February 5, 2024

Penn Alexander School

Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander University of Pennsylvania Partnership School

PAS ePony February 5, 2024
Message from the Principal

Dear PAS Families:

Penn Alexander is excited to celebrate and honor Black History Month. This year’s theme is the arts. Throughout the month we will highlight black artists, creatives, designers, and makers. If you or someone you know would like to share their culture, traditions, artistry, or story with our community, we are grateful for the experience to learn with you. If interested, please click here to sign up and PAS will reach out to coordinate. 

Our second series of Affinity Dinners are taking place this Thursday, February 8.  RSVP here. 

Thank you to everyone who came out for the annual Pancake Breakfast. It's 4 years since our last breakfast.  If you weren't able to leave a cash tip but would like to tip your middle school server, click HERE to make a donation online.  Proceeds support the 8th grade trip to DC in May. 

Please join Ms. Barnes and Dr. Kreidle on Tuesday, February 6 at 8:30am in the lunchroom to discuss plans for honoring Eid at PAS.

Musical stage crew is in need of the items listed below.  Please drop off at main entrance. 

  • paper towel & toilet paper rolls
  • old newspapers
  • ribbons
  • boxes (please flatten)
  • wrapping paper (solid colors)

Week at a Glance

Monday, February 5

  • A Day
  • Black Lives Matter Week of Action
  • 3:15pm BB Games @ SLA Beeber

Tuesday, February 6

  • B Day

Wednesday, February 7

Thursday, February 8

Friday, February 9

  • 12:09pm dismissal for Teacher Training

Upcoming PAS Events
Reminders & Resources
Don't Forget!

Calling all alumni, parent/caregiver drum players!!  PAS is looking for a drummer to accompany the Spring musical, Willie Wonka Jr. on May 21, 22, & 23  If you are an experienced drum set player and would like to volunteer your time, please contact PAS music teacher Mrs. Zimmer at ezimmer@philasd.org.  

Spring Musical: Sponsorships and T-Shirt Sales

We have two big events coming up that need sponsorships from businesses: the 5K and the spring musical.

  • Did a business do work for you recently worth recommending?
  • Do you work for or frequent a business that might be receptive to learning about sponsorship?
  • Can you provide any prizes for the 5K?
  • Do you own a business and are looking to deepen community engagement?
  • Are you able to contact a few businesses for sponsorship or prizes?

If you can recommend or solicit any businesses, please let us know by submitting the sponsorship form HERE. Thank you for your help!

Also, musical T-shirts are now on sale HERE.

HSA Open Board Positions

The HSA needs your help! We have 4 open executive board positions for the upcoming school year:

  • Treasurer
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Fundraising Chair  

Please consider running or nominating someone to make sure that the school continues to operate at the same level in the future. We are also seeking people to serve on the nominating committee to help guide the elections process. More details can be found HERE.

Specialist Corner

Please visit the links below to learn more about what our students are learning in art, SEL class, Technology Program, Physical Education, and in the Music Program:

Community at Large

The programs listed below have either shared fliers with the school or are within a few blocks of Penn Alexander. These programs are not affiliated with Penn Alexander; as such, families should evaluate each program to ensure it is the right fit for their family.  Click on the links for more information.

Part-time Penn Jobs  $25/hr

Learn About & Take Action For Equitable School Funding 2/5 Forum

Summer Camps at Penn

Spring Arabic Classes for Adults

Beginning Level Chinese as a Foreign Language course for children

Kat Academy Spring After-School Programming and Summer Camp

Al-Bustan Seeds of Culture Summer Camp
Family Academy: Courses and Training (FACT) 

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